The purpose of this project was to ensure that I was still able to perform simple Javascript calculations and function calls. Throughout a few iterations of my calculator, this became better and much easier to remeber.
I decided that I would begin by developing an elementary calculator to ensure that I was using Javascript correctly before switching to something more difficult. This first iteration of my calculator was very simple and involved only a few input boxes and buttons. This calculator was able to do the most simple math and not much more.
Please input two numbers below
To continue this idea, I found it might be useful to utilise a table to arrange the numbers and modifiers into a more recognisable calculator shape. This meant there would be more buttons and no more input boxes, leading to more Javascript.
This execution of the calculator allows for much more familiar use and is very intuitive. Although some more CSS could easily be added to improve the look of the calculator, I found that this would not be necessary and could be skipped.
Throughout this project, I learned how easy and powerful Javascript is to use. I also got the chance to do some simple math and work with tables. This helped me better understand positioning and helped solidify my understanding of how helpful a table can be in HTML and how versatile they are.
Although I doubt that I will ever need to recreate this project, I think that it can be a beneficial inspiration for far more specific calculators. This project could easily be used to help solve problems that often come up in my classes at uni. (Maybe something like finding the resistor values to set a certain amount of gain for an OPAMP). This would be very simple to implement and will likely help me quite often as it will save a significant amount of time.